Best Electrician in Springfield, VA Installation of a EV Car Charger

Best Electrician in Springfield, VA Installation of a EV Car Charger

Our Springfield, Virginia electrician does a EV Car Charger wiring installation for our customer in Springfield, VA We ran a dedicated 60Amp circuit from the main electrical panel from inside the basement of the house through the crawl space of the house and hammer drilled through the front brick of the home and installed a weather proof RV 50Amp outlet that is GFCI protected from the main electrical panel and mounted the EV Car charging station to the house and plugged it into the weather proof RV 50amp outlet for 240volt power Our Springfield, Virginia customer was very pleased with the quote we gave them and he gave us a great online rating and review, Also his neighbor saw what we were doing and we job another customer from doing a great electrical wiring installation for a EV car charger

Service provided: EV Charger Installation

Location: Springfield, VA

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